Resouces for families
Helpful Health Resources
The Food and Allergy Network - FAAN is now the most trusted source of information, programs, and resources related to food allergy and anaphylaxis. Its membership now stands at approximately 22,000 worldwide and includes families, dietitians, nurses, physicians, school staff, and representatives from government agencies and the food and pharmaceutical industries. FAAN serves as the communication link between the patient and others.
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia - offers ability to search the CHOP website by disease, condition, test or procedure. You can also learn about the many departments and services that CHOP offers.
The Center for Disease Control - a wonderful website for both parents and children wanting to expand their medical knowledge of many topics.
Get Eye Smart - The American Academy of Ophthalmology. Gives parents some information on pink eye. The BRSD requires any student suspected of having conjunctivitis to be seen by their doctor. Since conjunctivitis is very contagious having the correct diagnosis from your child's doctor is very important. All student's returning to school after a suspected case of conjunctivitis must present a doctor's note.
This site has information about current health problems for children. It has articles, games, and fun things to do.
NJ FamilyCare is a federal and state funded health insurance program created to help New Jersey's uninsured children and certain low-income parents and guardians to have affordable health coverage. It is not a welfare program. NJ FamilyCare is for families who do not have available or affordable employer insurance, and cannot afford to pay the high cost of private health insurance.
NJ Parent Link is a statewide website initiative made possible by the work of the New Jersey Early Childhood Comprehensive System (NJ ECCS) Team. The focus of the website is to highlight NJ state services and resources to improve the accessibility, coordination and delivery of information and services to parents of young children, and to improve communication capabilities for ongoing service collaborations and policy development.
An article entitled 21 Surprising Things You Might Not Know About Head Lice
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Medical Association