New Student Enrollment Requirements
Requirements for students transferring into district:
- DPT Vaccine Series (must have a minimum of 5 doses with the latest one given on or after 4th birthday)
- Polio Vaccine Series (must have a minimum of 4 doses with the latest one given on or after 4th birthday)
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella (must have two doses- one after one year of age & one prior to kindergarten). Written proof of a positive MMR titer is accepted in lieu of MMR #2.
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (completed series-usually 3 doses) or written proof of titer
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) Vaccine or Documentation of Disease
- Physical examination form must with completed by your child's doctor with 30 days of enrollment. then the student if have a physical exam within 30 days. Written proof of physical exam within 365 days prior to enrollment this may be submitted to the health office for review.
- Growth and development form must be completed by parents/guardian within 30 days of enrollment.
Preschool Requirements:
- All preschoolers are required to receive the previously listed vaccinations/exams with consideration to the age of the student.
- One dose of HIB vaccination is required for preschool entrance.
- One dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
- Yearly requirement - One dose of influenza vaccine given between September 1st and December 1
Kindergarten Requirements:
- DPT Vaccine Series (4 doses, with one dose given on or after the 4th birthday, or any 5 doses)
- Polio Vaccine Series (must have 3 doses with the latest one given on or after 4th birthday, or any 4 doses)
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella (must have two doses-one after one year of age & one prior to kindergarten). Written proof of a positive MMR titer is accepted in lieu of MMR #2.
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (completed series-usually 3 doses) or written proof of titer
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) Vaccine 1 dose or written documentation of disease from physician
- Physical Examination Form - to be completed by physician (exam must be within 365 days prior to enrollment)
- Dental Form – to be completed by dentist (exam must be within 1 year prior to enrollment)
- Growth and Development Form – to be completed by parent/guardian