Lauren Peretz » Grading and Homework Policy

Grading and Homework Policy

Below are the performance levels for class work and in-class assessments:

4– Exceeding Standards- The student shows in-depth knowledge and understanding of the concepts. The student applies skills with consistent accuracy, independence, and high level of quality. The assignment is complete and the student may have completed an extra part of the assignment and/or extended their thinking. The student exceeds standards for this assignment.

3 – Achieving Standards-The student can apply strategies and skills learned independently. The assignment is complete. The student’s responses are mostly accurate. The student demonstrates proficiency in the skill area at grade level.

2– Approaching Standards -The student demonstrates some understanding of the subject area or skill. Practice is still needed to further develop the skill and promote the child’s understanding. The student needed reminders, hints, and suggestions. The assignment is partially complete and/or contains a few errors.

1 – Needs Support -The student does not demonstrate the skill, and has difficulty completing the task independently. The student shows limited understanding of the skill or concept. The assignment is incomplete and/or contains many errors. The student required support.

Report Cards and Progress Reports-

There are three marking periods during the school year. Parents, please sign and return the report card. At the midpoint of each marking period, your child will receive a progress report.

Homework Policy-

Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday most weeks. Please review your child’s work. Be sure their agenda book matches the assignments listed on our class homework webpage. Homework assignments are posted daily on Google Classroom. 

Some homework assignments will follow the guidelines mentioned above, while the other homework assignments will follow the following homework participation grading system.

Homework Participation Grading System:

Completed homework = 3 points

Partially completed homework = 2 points

Homework that is late by one day = 1 point

Students will earn 0 points if the assignment is not turned in after2 days.

In the event that your child does not turn in his/her homework, you will be required to sign and return the "Oops I didn't turn in my homework" form that is brought home in their homework folder.

Homework Folder-

All homework will come home in the “Homework” folder. Students are expected to return this folder to school every day along with any other books taken home to complete assignments. Assigned homework sheets, completed student work, notes home, and other communication will be placed in the folder. Please check the folder nightly and remove the appropriate papers.

"Book Log" Homework-

Every Monday, students are required to turn in their weekly "Book Log" paper. In one week, students should read at least 15 minutes each night or for a total of 90 minutes each week, unless otherwise stated. Students must track their minutes each night and record them on the monthly reading calendar. Parents must sign the reading calendar at the end of each month. Book Logs will be checked weekly (every Monday). Book logs that are not returned completed each Monday will receive a lower homework participation grade.

Wednesday Folder-

Assessments that have been graded will go home in the student's Wednesday folder each Wednesday. Parents, please sign/return the assessments to school by Friday. The assessments will remain with the teacher for the year after they have been signed/returned. Please note that there may be some Wednesdays where no assessments are sent home.