Casey Kemp » General Information

General Information

Contact Information- Please make sure that I have your current email address due to this being a main source of communication. Also please let me know if you would like to join our class School Messenger as I will be creating one each year to keep in touch.


Homework- Students will be expected to read for 10-15 minutes a night as reading is very important at this stage in the students overall development. For math the students will complete a homelink related to the lesson learned within class that day. Students will write their homework in their agendas daily. I will also send out a message using School Messenger with the homework as well.

School Dismissal- Please make sure if there are any changes in school dismissal this year that you let me know either by email, by sending a note in with your child that day, or by calling the school. 

Lunch/Snack- Lunch can either be brought from home or received from the school. School lunch is currently not free. The daily lunch calendar is located on the school website and I will inform the students on what their choices are each day. The students will have a choice between the hot lunch and cold lunch options. Please bring a snack daily for the students as we have a time for snack each day.

Birthdays- Birthdays are an extremely exciting day and give us a time to celebrate your child. Unfortunately no snacks are allowed in the classroom for birthdays but we will have other ways to make your child feel special on their day! Students' birthdays who are on the weekends, on holidays and over the summer will still be celebrated. 


Star Student- Each week a student will be selected based on positive interactions with peers, focused and attentive learning behaviors, and being an overall STAR student. The student will be able to bring in artifacts relating to the students likes, passions and interests to share with the class and be put on display for all the school to see how amazing they are!


School Messenger- Daily reminders, homework, and parent communication will be transmitted through the app School Messenger. Please check this app daily!