Danielle Brown » General Information

General Information

It is very important that we have the correct contact information for your child. If there is a change in address, phone number, or email address throughout the year, please inform the school of the changes.


School Dismissal

If for any reason there is a change in your child’s dismissal, please send in a written note. If there is a last minute change, please contact the office and they will notify me immediately.



In first grade, students will have snack each afternoon.  Please send your student with a healthy snack each day.  Some suggestions are granola bars, popcorn, pretzels, grapes, apple slices, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, carrots or celery sticks, applesauce pouches, string cheese, or crackers.  The snack should be in a bag or container labeled with your child’s name.  



Lunch is available for purchase for $2.80 this year.  Your child has the option of getting the hot option or one of the cold options (PB&J, bagel, yogurt bag, Bento Box) if they choose to buy.  



Our homework routine will begin after Back to School Night.  Please use the time in the beginning of the year to establish evening schedules and routines for your child.



Birthdays are special days! All first-grade classrooms will be celebrating birthdays with special non-food activities this year. The birthday child will choose a fun activity for the class and receive special privileges for the day. 


Additional Reminders and Policies

  • Please make sure your child brings a book bag, Peter Muschal folder, and any completed homework to school each day.
  • Label everything! This avoids confusion or loss of personal belongings.
  • No toys or valuable items should be brought into school.
  • If you are visiting our classroom at any point during the year, please stop in the Office of Student Services to sign in and get a visitor’s pass.
  • The students go outside for recess two times per day (weather permitting).  Please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes and is dressed for the weather.